There are some books that every Christian should be familiar with, these are some of them...
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Chapter Seven; War and Peace with a Holy God
I am behind in my posting as well as my reading. The Holidays, as usual, has thrown a kink in everything. This is a great chapter. Sproul tells the stories of some men who were passionate for God. That passion lead them to acts I don't think I would even consider. Enjoy.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Chapter 6, Holy Justice
I remember not wanting non-Christians to bring up the hard stories from the Old Testament. I thought, "how do you defend that?" But the more I understand the Holiness of God it doesn't bother me anymore. I still don't expect Non-Christians to understand it. But what I do know is I deserve it as much and more than the Ameliakites, Amorites, etc. We all do. To look at someone and say, "they didn't deserve that" is a form of self righteousness. Not only did they deserve it (sickness, financial ruin, heart ache,...) but I deserve it more than them. Because He is Holy, He has to be Just.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Chapter 5, The Insanity of Luther
"Love God? Sometimes I hate Him." This is a strange quote to hear from the lips of a man respected for his religious zeal as Luther. But he said it. He was noted for making outrageous statements. "Sometimes Christ seems to me nothing more than an angry judge who comes to me with a sword in His hand." -Pg 75
Wow! could you imagine uttering such things against God? Not me! Well lets wade in and find out what ole' Luther was talking about.
Sorry for the late Post. Home computer got virus and has wiped out an ICS file or something like that.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Chapter 4 The Trauma of Holiness
Well, last week we read about the definition for Holy and how it can be a Fearful Mystery when it comes to our God. This week we see the Trauma of Holiness. I do say this is one of my favorite chapters. I am a few pages in at this point and it really resonates with me, partly because of the anticipation of what His return will be like.
Haven't got any comments lately. That's OK, except I really enjoy hearing your take on things. So if you have the time Post a comment. Good reading!
Haven't got any comments lately. That's OK, except I really enjoy hearing your take on things. So if you have the time Post a comment. Good reading!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Chapter 3 The Fearful Mystery
This week we get into the definition for Holy. I wonder how it stacks up to your thoughts of Holiness? I understand the Mystery part of the chapter title, but Fearful? Well, lets see.....
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Holy, Holy, Holy. Chapter 2
We start Chapter 2 today, Sunday. The Thrice Holy God and the funny thing that happens when mortals encounter His presence.
Some have had problems commenting. I understand. For some reason it will often work better if you don't use a Google accnt and just post anonymously and type your name at the end. For those that have gotten through, thanks. I so enjoy reading your thoughts and impressions that are left on you.
Some have had problems commenting. I understand. For some reason it will often work better if you don't use a Google accnt and just post anonymously and type your name at the end. For those that have gotten through, thanks. I so enjoy reading your thoughts and impressions that are left on you.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Here we Go! Week 1
OK, folks. If you have your books lets get started. It's as simple as I said in church. We will read the first chapter this week. When you get through check back in here and post a comment or just read what others have posted. I'm hoping this will be a good way for us to stay on task without having to meet another night during the week. I pray that the Holy Spirit will bless you greatly as we discover this timeless attribute of our God.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Holiness of God
This book has done more to develop my Central Interpretive Motif than any other book except the Bible. What's that you say, Paul? Whether you know it or not when you read the Bible you have a prescribed or certain set of glasses you view scripture through. You read a verse and tend to interpret scripture in a way that portrays what you think of God. I've always had a high view of God, but after reading the Holiness of God, by R.C. Sproul I realized what a lowly wretch I am. It caused me to get down wind of myself. You will find a deeper love for God when you realize that a being so Magnificent, Holy, and Pure would be mindful of me. So join me and see why so many have agreed this is a modern day Classic.
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