Monday, August 6, 2012

Chapters 6 & 7 Exhortation and Motives

Vickie and I were talking and she expressed the difficulty in reading and comprehending Old English. I find it poetic, she finds it laborious. Let me encourage you to stick it out. The reason most good Seminaries will have there students read these same classics is because of the knowledge and understanding that can be gained on Doctrinal issues. If you read our first book in this series, The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul, and now this one you are in a very small crowd of learners. Walk up to an average Church goer and ask if they have read either book. If you get a yes he/she probably has a doctoral degree in theology. And here again, there is a reason Seminaries and colleges require it. So let me exhort you and thank you for hanging in there. I have yet to read any of the books in the Christian Classics category and come away thinking that was a waste of time.
For some real exhortation, Chapter 6 is loaded. I haven't got to 7 yet but will and comment later. P.S. The image is not the type exhortation Watson has in mind....I think.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for telling everyone I don't like it. I am on Chapter 6! Making progress. Just not used to reading these books written in 1668 like you. ha ha Vickie
